Liquid Gold In The Foothills Of Northern California
Since 2006, we have sought to nurture our grove and follow organic farming practices to provide you with EVOO of exceptional taste and quality. For the love of our land, we continue to expand our operations and in addition to our award-winning EVOO, we take pride in providing you with our golden Heidi's Honey™ and Hundred Acre Red Wine Vinegar™.
A Family Owned & Operated Boutique Company
Located in the heart of the Gold Country in Northern California at Chateau Summerset, Hundred Acre Olive Oil™ has set out to produce the finest quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Owners Randy and Heidi Ilich have personally planted, nurtured and annually harvest the olives by hand. All olives are hand picked and cold pressed within 24 hours to ensure that our oil is of the finest quality. We hope you enjoy every drop of our LIQUID GOLD™!